

Whether you’ve been with us for a while or you are new to our world- I want to say THANK YOU!

                          We invite you to help us with our cause:

More online teachers deserve to master effective strategies that can make their online classrooms more successful and more enjoyable.

We are offering our special promotion on May, 8, 2012. Anyone who buys our book that day will get a FREE copy of the e-book, “How to Teach Online” as our thank you for supporting the distance learning industry!

(learn about the ebook here:

You will also be enrolled to win a Kindle!

There are TOO MANY online teachers out there that we are  not reaching. They are still struggling with technology, thinking it’s not for them or that it does not work!

I want to reach these people through a huge platform – But to make that

happen it’s going to be a bigger effort than we can achieve alone.

The more people who purchase our book on on May 8, 2012, the higher it will be ranked and the more exposure it will get. It’s important to have a big rush of buys all on the same day.

Here’s how you can help:

1. Spread the word to as many people as possible about the party- tweet it,

Facebook it, post it on LinkedIn & Google plus, sue word of mouth and share it via email.

2. On May 8, 2012 go to:

and get our book! Enjoy its unique content and the interviews of the leading experts in the field!! (Note: the book will be available May 8th, 2012)

3. Email us an Amazon receipt and to receive your bonus e-book and to enter your name into the Kindle contest:

Thank you so much for your support on this, it means the world to us.